T:Katie's Chicken
C:Stephanelli (20 Sep 2018)
|: E2B2 B2E2 | BAGF EFGA | B2E2 E2B2 | c3B AGFG |
E2B2 B2E2 | BAGF EFGA | B2e2 f3e | d4 ^d4 :|
|: e2B2 f2B2 | g2B2 f2B2 | efe^d efgf |
eBBB fBBB | gBBg a3g | edBA BcGF | E4 ^D4 :|

Inspired during the CUCB Tour to the Lake District when we took a trip to a farm in the Lake District.  A few of us stayed in the pouring rain helping the farm workers to put the animals to bed.  I have two very distinct memories - me getting to blanket up and lead a Shire Horse out to his field and Katie easily catching a chicken that didn't want to go into it's coop!